“The Poverty Line”, Stefen Chow, TEDxKL, 11.11.2015

Credit: TEDx Youtube

Can you imagine what is the poverty line? How much can you spend? Stephen Chow heads around the world to find out how much food can you actually buy when you are at the poverty line.

Stefen is grateful to be a witness through his camera. Stefen was born in Malaysia, raised in Singapore, and currently resides in Beijing. In his relatively short and intense career so far, he has garnered various awards from the photography industry, including being the first Malaysian to have won the World Press Photo with a portrait of Chinese artist dissident Ai Wei Wei. Stefen is also an experienced mountaineer and has previously summited Mount Everest. In his free time, Stefen devotes his time to doing long-term projects with a social conscience. Stefen is the co-founder of ‘The Poverty Line’, a global visual project that contextualizes poverty. It was nominated for the Prix Pictet and won the Arles Photography Open Salon. The project has been exhibited in France, Germany, China, Malaysia and Georgia. He also serves as the photography director of ‘The Other Hundred’, a Hong Kong based social initiative on challenging stereotypes of the poor globally.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx