“Poverty in the midst of plenty – Stefen Chow", directed by Shirley Han Ying, WYNG MASTERS AWARD (WMA) 2012, 03.11.2013

Credit: WYNG Youtube

The WYNG Masters Award for Photography is a non-profit project initiated to spark public awareness and to support interest in important and socially relevant issues to Hong Kong. WMA's mission is to stimulate discussion and to encourage the development of social responsibility in Hong Kong by employing the medium of photography to explore such subjects. In 2012, the theme was POVERTY. From 19 March to 6 April, the WYNG Masters Award Inaugural Exhibition will be held at ArtisTree, TaiKoo Place, Island East. The exhibition will showcase the works of the seven finalists: Katherine Chan Sim-Kuen, Michael Chan, Chan Wai Kwong, Stefen Chow, Ko Chung Ming, Wei Leng Tay, Rufina Wu and Stefan Canham. An exhibition of student works generated from a series of school workshops will also be displayed at the Linkbridge, Lincoln House at TaiKoo Place.