“Is the China career dead?” Live Online Debate, SupChina, China

Credit: SupChina

At this event, speakers Zak Dychtwald and Huiyi Lin will debate whether China expertise alone is enough to give you a career, or is it just one part of the skill set you need for professional success.

In the past, if you were smart enough to learn about China and have a decent grasp of the language you would easily become an invaluable asset to whatever company, government, or organization that needed to interact with the Middle Kingdom. However, as China has become a more dominant player in the international arena and as more and more people have started to have a firm grasp of both China and its relationship with the world, the value of someone with “China skills” may not be as prominent as it once was. Or maybe that is not true and in all actuality, it is more valuable than ever.

Join us at this event as two prominent China experts go head to head in a lively debate over the value of being a “China Person”. After each round of debate, the audience will be able to vote on their position and whoever has the most votes at the end will win the debate. The debate will be followed by a brief discussion by the speakers and then some time for Q&A from the audience.